9 Ways to be Happy and Make Something of your Life
Gordon B. Hinckley
I will apply this by telling y friends that everything is going to be okay to just see the positive things in the situation. I will also be positive and keep smiling even if i have a problem because life is beautiful and we should enjoy it.
1. Be Grateful
Being grateful is taking everything you have in consideration. For example, being grateful of what you have thanks to your parents is that you see the value of thing because you also see the effort, the hard work, the love, and the care your parents have for you that is why you have what you have. The most common example of being grateful is a student giving a teacher an apple. The student takes that action because he or she is grateful for what the teacher does for him or her. You don't always have to give something to someone in order to show them you are grateful for what they have done for you or for what they have given you. Something you can do besides giving them something you can express yourself to them of how you feel. One way you can express yourself to them is by telling them how grateful you feel. The second way is by doing something for them . One example of how you can express that you are grateful to someone is like when you help your mother clean the whole house and help her do the dishes after she has had a very long and tiring day at work. I bet she will realize that you are grateful for what she had done for you or for what she has given you, you do not even have to express yourself with words you can just do something simple like that. I am aware that there are some people that find expressing themselves with words hard. The way of expressing themselves with actions is a very good thing to do. You might not hear a lot of people say that they are grateful for what what you've done or given them but as I said there are people who find it hard to express them self's so don't think they are not grateful just because they don't tell you they are. Expressing we are grateful doesn't only make us feel good but it also makes the other person feel good. Being grateful is a beautiful thing.
I will apply this new way by taking everything people do for me more in consideration. I will try my very best to express my gratefulness with actions since I have trouble expressing my gratefulness with words. It will not only make me feel good but it will also make the person I'm grateful for feel good as well.

I will apply this way by thinking twice before I make a decision and be smart of the decision I am going to take. I will also tell my friends and family to be smart so they can stay out of a lot of problems. It can help me and others as well.
2. Be Smart
Being smart is making the right decision. Being smart can keep you out doesn't necessarily have to do with education. What I am trying to say is that for example my cousin tells me to go with her to some other place instead of going to school, I have to be smart and make a smart decision of what I am going to do. If I am being smart my decision would be not to listen to her and do the right thing and go to school. Being smart can keep you out of a lot of trouble. If I would have listened to my cousin and I would have gone with her and ditched school I would have missed a lot of information in class which would lead to me not knowing how to do the assignments my teacher would give me and I would have gotten in trouble with my parents. Another example of being smart is when you are at a store and you saw something you really really want but you know that your senior dues are on their way, you have to be smart and decide if you either buy what you want and waist your money or save up so you won't be struggling when your senior dues get to you. If you are being smart you will decide to save up for your senior dues. Being smart can help you accomplish so many things in life because you will be taking the right path even though there will be a bumpy road in life. Not everyone is smart when it comes to making decisions and they get into many problems. You do not want to be one of them, you want to be smart. If you have not been smart then start now, it is never late for you to make a change with yourself. Start being smart now and everything in life will be smoother.

3.Be Involved in Good Works
Being involved in good works is when you are involved in things that help you and help others. Being involved in good works can help you make others feel happy and grateful. One example of that is when you stay after school for parent conference to help your teacher organize the parents and make everything flow smoothly. That involvement in good works from you can help you make the teacher feel less stressful and happy because you are helping her with something very important. That doesn't just make your teacher feel goo it also makes you feel good because you know your are making a person happy by helping them out. Being involved in good works doesn't just have to do with helping others, it can also be in helping yourself. One example for that is when you are taking a test and your friend didn't study and asks you to give them the answers and you tell them no because he had to study. That is involvement in good works because you are choosing to do the right thing. Sometimes it might make others feel angry because you chose to be involved in good works but its okay because you are doing the right thing. If you are involved in good works then you will be good. Always remember to choose the right!!!
I will apply this by not cheating or letting anyone cheat while I am taking a test. I will also apply t his by helping my teachers or anyone when they need my help. It will make me fell good about myself because I will be helping myself and others.
4. Be Clean
Being clean does not only mean taking a shower, brushing your teeth, washing your clothes, and cleaning your room; It also mean being clean from your mind, heart, and conscience. Many people only see the words being clean as something you have to do physically but its not just that and they are not aware of that. One example of not being clean is when you pass a test with 100% but you know that you got that grade because you cheated and used your phone to get the answers for it. That is one example of not being clean because it shows how your mind is dirty knowing that you cheated on that test but you don't say anything because you know you'll get in trouble. An example of being clean is when your mom gets home and you left a big mess in her room because you were looking for something you had left in there and she asks you who left all that mess in her room and you say it was you and don't blame others. That is being clean because you are keeping your mind clean. Another example is keeping that streets clean. A way we can keep our streets clean is by not throwing or leaving your trash on the sidewalk or in the middle of the street. It doesn't just help us be clean but it also helps us live in a better and cleaner environment. Take the first step of being clean. Always remember to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
I will apply this by throwing my trash in the trashcan and picking yup any if I see some. I will tell the truth instead of lying. I will also help other be clean.
5. Be True
Being true is when you are loyal and honest. There are so many things and people you can be loyal and honest to. For example, if you don't do your homework and the teacher comes to your desk to pick it up but you say you forgot it at home that is not being true. If you tell the teacher that in reality you didn't do your homework then that would be you being true. It doesn't necessarily have to do with you telling the truth, it can also mean that you are committed to something such as a spot you have to stay true to that sport because you have a team. There are a lot of people who think that being true only means being honest but it doesn't just mean that. There are also many people out there that do know what being true is and I am very glad to know that. If you have not been true to someone or to something think what of you have been doing wrong and try to find a way to fix it and to start being true to them or it. If you know someone who is not being true then try to help them and explain to them what being true is. First try to help yourself so you can help others. If you start being true I can assure you that it will make you feel very good.Be true true to yourself and that is the most important thing. Always remember to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
I will apply this by being committed to my classes and being honest to my teachers. But most important I will be true to myself. I will also be true to my friends and community.
6. Be Positive
Being positive is when you have a good sense of humor and good character. Being positive can not only make your day way better but it can also make other people's day better. Being positive make you go through your day smoothly and it makes you feel good. One example of being positive is when you see your friend worried or stressed out and you tell them that everything is going to be okay to just see all the good things about it. That will make them feel good and that will help them not stress out about things. There are people who always have a positive attitude no matter what they are going through. On the other hand there are people who are never positive and are always see the bad things that are happening to them. Being positive is not hard at all. Being positive can actually help your health. There are people who are going through very harsh times but yet they maintain a positive attitude. Sometimes you might not even know they are going through a bad situation because of their positive attitude. Being positive can help you in a good way with many things. Always remember to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
I will apply this by telling y friends that everything is going to be okay to just see the positive things in the situation. I will also be positive and keep smiling even if i have a problem because life is beautiful and we should enjoy it.
7. Be Humble
It means that a person may have accomplished a lot, or be a lot but doesn't feel it is necessary to advertise or brag about it. Advertising your accomplishments and advertizing them might make you feel goo but not everybody you tell feels good about it. Some poeple feel really bad because you accomplished something they might have wanted to accomplish but couldn't. Your parents may ferel realy prode and happy about your accomplishments but it is best to be humble with everyone. Bragging about your accomplishments so much to other people because it may cause problems such as jealousy which is not a good thing. Some antonyms for humble are overbearing, extroverted, and discourteous. Being humble is a very good thing because it maintains friendships. For example, if your friend is not doing so good in school but you are always saying that you have straight A's and that you always do good then that will make your friend feel like they are less than you and that will lead to them not wanting to be your friend no more. You will make your friend not want to talk you you cause of all that bragging about your grades when she is really struggling to bring her grades up. If you are humble your friends will enjoy hanging out with you. Don't think you are better than others becuae everyone is awsome in their own way. Always remember to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
I will apply this by helping others succeed instead of just saying what I have accomplished. I will ask others for help instead of saying I am too got for help.
8. Be Still
Being still is when you are calm and your mind is calm. One example of being still is staying at home and spending time with your family instead of going out to parties and putting yourself in danger. Being still also includes the way you think. One example of keeping your mind still is by thinking positive. Another way of being still is by keeping your mind set on only one good thing so you can succeed in it. Being still can keep you out of a lot of struggles and problems. There are a lot of people who are not still which are in problems, jail, or struggling with their situation. One example of a person who is not still is a person who is always in parties and always gets home late. That person in in a lot of danger while they're at the party. That person is also in danger when they get home late because there are so many dangers one can face in the streets at night. Another example is when a person is always doing bad things in the streets such at drug dealing, tagging on the walls, or robbing they are facing and going into the direction to jail. It doesn't necessarily have to do with big bad actions like that, any action you take that does not include you being still will lead you to problems and struggles. Always remember to CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
I will apply this by choosing the right and staying at home, that will keep me from a lot of danger. I will also apply this by helping my friend to be still and make them realize how good it is.
9. Be Prayerful
Final Reflection: These Nine Ways made me open my eyes and think of life differently. I will be grateful for everything I have even life because not everyone has the blessing of waking up another day. I will think twice before doing something I am not sure is right or wrong. I will help even more the people in need even if they don't ask for it. I will do, think, or talk about drugs at all. I will stand up for my actions if I ever do something wrong. I will have a good positive mind to make my days flow easily. I will not brag my good grades and accomplishments to others, I will instead help them accomplish their goals. I will try my very best to go out to places that will rel;ax me and get away from everything that stresses me out and enjoy life for a bit. I will be prayerful and hopefully get others to join me. These Nine Ways will help me overcome all those harsh obstacles that come my way. These Nine Ways will make me strong.
" There they say, nine Be's which, if observed, will
bring handsome dividends to any young man or woman. They will add sparkle to
your days and peace to your nights. They will save you from heartache and pain.
They will bring purpose into your life and give direction to your energies.
They will bring you friend of your own kind. They will protect you from
associations that would pull you down and deflect you from your course.
This is a time to be happy. This is the time o feel joy and make friends
and enjoy the best this life has to offer. What i have tried to put fourth....
are simply a few suggestions, gained from many years of living, to help you do
just that. The would will tell that certain kinds of things will bring you
happiness - things such as popularity and possessions and satisfying you baser
If today you find yourself drifting as a leaf in a stream, get hold of
yourself and determine you will do better.
At railroad grade crossing, signs of warning were once
common. Two cross arms were emblazoned with the words "Stop, Look,
Listen." They meant that a train could be could be roaring down the tracks
and you had better be alert.
I was riding a train in the Midwest years ago. I looked out
the window to my left. A road ran parallel to the tracks. A car with a boy and
a girl was speeding down the road a little faster than the train. The car moved
ahead until I can no longer see it. Suddenly, the locomotive whistle sounded
and the train screeched to a halt as the brakes gripped the wheels. We looked
out the window on to the other side. There was a mangled car. Police cars soon
converged, followed by the ambulance. The boy and girl were both dead. The road
they were traveling crossed the tracks. They did not stop, look, or listen. It
all happened in an instant.
The better way to Be is the way of these nine Be’s.
The years will inevitably pass, and pass quickly. Today is
your day of resolution. Promise yourself to make something good of (your)
precious life."
Gordon B. Hinckley
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