The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People
Habit 1: Be Proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits
and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I
can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I
am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
Habit 1 is trying to tell us that we are the one's responsible for out actions and how we live our life. We are the one's who decide what we want to do with out life. No other person is responsible for that. You have to know that you are the one responsible. No other person can choose for you. For example, if your parents tell you not to do drugs you might hear them but that does not mean they are the ones choosing for you. If your decision is to do drugs then you are taking responsibility. You won't blame others. You won't blame others for your actions. You will take responsibility for yourself, decisions, and actions.
I will apply this by not blaming others for my actions. I will take responsibility for myself and what I decide to do.
"Control your own destiny or someone else will." (Jack Welch)
Habit 2 is trying to tell us to have an imagination and vision ourselves in the future. We should see ourselves being who we want to be in the future. For example, if you want to become a doctor you should imagine yourself being one. It motivates you. If you imagine something it makes you want to do it. When you imagine you set your mind on something. If you set your mind on it you will do it. If you don't imagine yourself doing or being something in life some one else will do it for you. If you vision the end the no one else can tell you what you want to do. Vision yourself in the future and it will happen.
Habit 3 is trying to tell us to do the most important things before we do anything else. For example, when you have to study for a final but you family has a really big part to go to, you will choose to stay home and study because your final is more important that the party. You have to be responsible. Responsibility takes a big roll. You have to be smart with your actions as well. Another example is when you want to go out with your friends but you have practice for a sport your in you will choose the right. You will choose to go to practice. You can go out with your friends any other day is possible. Its your responsibility to decide and your decisions are what determine your future. Always remember to choose the right.

Habit 4 is trying to tell us to always think positive and think tat you will succeed. If you think and set in mind that you will win you will do so. This isn't referring specifically to games. This is referring to everything you do in life. Things may be hard or continue to be hard but you will pull through. If you set in your mind that you will win that will be your motivation to do so. If there is no motivation then you or other people won try enough to reach their goal. You have to think positive. If you think positive then you will get motivated to do what you want. Your mindset needs that little push in order to accomplish things.
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
"When you know where you intend to end up, you know where you are now." (Covey)

I will apply this by imagining myself of what I want to become in the future and set my mind to it. That will give me motivation to accomplish it.
Habit 3: Put First Things First
"Organize and execute around priorities." 
I will apply this by doing my school work before thinking of doing something else. I will study if I have to study and not go out and waste my time.
Habit 4: Think Win-Win
"Think win-win or no deal."

I will apply this by setting my mind that I will win and that nothing is going to stop me from doing that.
Habit 5 is trying to tell us that we have to understand in order for us to be understood. A lot of people want to be understood first. That is not how it is suppose to be. You first have to understand. For example, if you friend has a problem and you want to help her you have to understand what she is going through first so that they can understand how you are trying to help them. If you don't understand others they wont be able to understand you. You have to learn how others thing in order for you to come up with something. Everyone is different and not everything applies to everyone. It will also make it easier for you. You will have more ideas of what you want to do or tell others so they can understand you after you have understood them.

Habit 5 is trying to tell us that we have to put out heads together. We have to work as one. We have to cooperate with each other. For example, when some has a technical problem and they've tried everything to fix it but they cant, you can go in and help them since they way you thing is not the same way they think. You have your own ideas and knowledge and the other person has their own ideas and knowledge. You might know what the person needs to do in order to fix the problem they are having, that is why we have to work together. When you work with others they will learn new things from you. You will also learn new things from them. There is a better chance to discover new things. Some of those things you might not be able to discover on your own.
I will apply this by working with others and sharing my ideas with them.
Reflection: What I learned from the 7 habits is that I have to be the one to make something of myself. I am the one who controls what I do, think, or say so it is my responsibility to my my own decisions. I also learned that I have to set a goal first in order to accomplish things in life. If I don't have a goal in mind I wont have anything to motivate me through life. What I commit to do to continue applying the seven habits is setting goals and keeping them in mind for me to accomplish them. I also commit to making the right choices because I am the only One who makes the.
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood
"Diagnose before you prescribe."

I will apply this by listening to others and understand they way they view things before making them understand me.
Habit 6: Synergize
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts (1+1=3)"

I will apply this by working with others and sharing my ideas with them.
Reflection: What I learned from the 7 habits is that I have to be the one to make something of myself. I am the one who controls what I do, think, or say so it is my responsibility to my my own decisions. I also learned that I have to set a goal first in order to accomplish things in life. If I don't have a goal in mind I wont have anything to motivate me through life. What I commit to do to continue applying the seven habits is setting goals and keeping them in mind for me to accomplish them. I also commit to making the right choices because I am the only One who makes the.
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