Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Pyramid of Success

Pyramid of Success
John Wooden

Coach Wooden site
The Pyramid

The 25 Building Blocks of the 
Pyramid of Success

Block 1: Industriousness 
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."

What I think this block is trying to tell us is that in order for you to accomplish what you want, you have to do hard work. You have no other choice. You wont get what you want if you are lazy and don't want to do anything. For example, if you want to be a lawyer, you have to go through all the schooling and study for test and do all that hard work. You won't magically become a lawyer. You need to do all that hard work. It may be stressful. You may want to quite. It may be too much but it will all be worth it at the end. Hard work pays off. 

I will apply this by not giving up and working hard in order to get what I want, for example, straight A's this semester.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm at the cornerstone of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

What this block is trying to tel us is that we need to enjoy what we do. If you don't enjoy what you are doing then you are not doing it in a good manner. For example, if you work at a place where it is really cold and you don't like the cold you are not going to want to go work. You will want to quit because you would get tired of going to a place you don't like to be in. You need to love what you do. When you love what you do you do it good. If you enjoy what you are doing you will want to continue doing it. When you enjoy it you will wan to accomplish more. This will bring you success. Put work into it and you will succeed.

I will apply t his by doing thing I enjoy in order to succeed and do what I really love to do.

Block 3: Friendship
"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion.Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

What this block is trying to tell us is that friendship is something that helps us succeed. Some people find it hard to have a friend. It is definitely not hard at all. It only takes a bit of effort. Some find friendship hard because they don't really know how to be around people. Friendship is something that happen within time. It may not happen fast but it sure is worth it. There will be difficult times you will have to go through and that friend ship is something that can help you go through that. Friendship is something beautiful. It only takes a little effort to have the best friendship ever.

I will apply this buy getting to know new friends and allowing us to create a beautiful bond together and help out friendship grow.

Block 4: Loyalty
"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. Keep your self-respect."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we be honest you other. We also have to be honest to ourselves. We have to keep up with other and help them when they need it. We have to stay true to others. We also have to stay true to ourselves. If we are not true to ourselves we will not be true to others. We have to start off with ourselves. For example, if you want to do something but you know you will have  lot of difficulty and might fail, be true to yourselves. Try to find something else to do. You need to be loyal to yourselves and strong to not lose that loyalty.

I will apply this by being loyal to myself in order for me to be loyal to others.

Block 5: Cooperation
"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not in having your own way."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to work together. For example, out teachers meet every Tuesday and they cooperate and try to find the nest way top make our school better. If they were not to work together this school would not be able to succeed. If someone tries to make things exactly how they want it would not work out because everyone has different wants and they can't all be granted. When people cooperate they try to find the best ways to satisfy everyone. Everyone has to agree. When everyone agrees that makes the workplace a way better environment. It makes everyone happy in their own way. That prevents any problem or disagreements. Cooperation makes things everything run smoothly.

I will apply this by working with others especially when it comes to projects.

Block 6: Ambition 
"For noble goals."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to fight for what we want. Some synonyms for ambition are: striving, eagerness, and initiative. If you really want something don't stop, keep trying until you get it. Sometimes it may be hard to fight. As long as you fight enough you will know if you really want it. If you don't fight for what you want you might not be able to get it most of the times. Things don'y just come to you. When you are ambitions you get to places. When people are not ambitions they don't get as far as they would like to get. When you are ambitions you don't give up.

I will apply this by not giving up on fighting until I get what I really want.

Block 7: Self-Control
"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to think before we act. If we know something is wrong then we should decide not to do it. For example, when we know that we have to study for a test but we see the television on with out favorite show we need to have self control and study instead of watching t.v. and wasting study time. Us High School students are old enough to know what is good and what is bad. If you know something is bad it is common sense to us because we already know. Children may not have common sense because they are barely grown and have not experienced much in life. Before we decide to do something we have to ask ourselves if it is bad or good even if we really want to do it. When people go to parties and they know they have to drive, they need to have self control for them not to drink because they are aware that they will have to drive and driving after drinking alcohol is not safe. It is not that hard to have self control. It takes a lot of your effort to have it.

I will apply this by not arguing when there is a problem, I will  stay calm and figure out a way to solve it without letting my anger explode.

Block 8: Alertness
"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to listen to learn. If we listen to something that we have never heard before then that is something new that we have learned. For example, if your a cook and you hear another cook say that if you put salt in the water before boiling eggs that will prevent them from braking. That is something that you will learn just by listening. If you are constantly listening then you will constantly learn new things. There are many things that you can learn by just listening. Someone else may now something that interests you so you will want to listen in order to hear what you want to learn. Nurses have to be constantly listening to what their doctors say while in surgery. It is not that hard to listen constantly. It will benefit you a lot to learn new things.

I will apply this by always listening and paying attention.

Block 9: Initiative
"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

What this back is trying to tell us is that we have to get up when we fall. It may be hard but we need to do it. For example, if you try to make cookies for the first time but they burn or don't fully cook, don't think you failed and will never be able to make cookies. You have to learn from it. You may think of other things to do to improve. It might take several tries but it will be worth it. It will pay off. If you learn from your mistakes everything will come together to create or do new and better things. It takes time. You have to be patient and keep trying.

I will apply this by not giving up and learning from my mistakes.

Block 10: Intentness
"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resisting all temptations. Be determined and persistent."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to stick to our goals. If we don't keep them in mind we wont accomplish them. They will fade away. They will be forgotten. If we keep up with our goals they will still be a goal. For example, if we want to be more organized but we start leaving a mess our goal will vanish. We have to be consistent with it. It may not be easy because there are so many things on your mind but try really hard. I am aware that everyone has problems but at least write them down everyday. That will help you not to forget them.

I will apply this by thinking about my goal everyday so it won't be forgotten.

Block 11: Sincerity
Keeps fiends

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be honest. If you are honest to yourself you will realize things. When you realize things you will be able to accomplish even more things. You may not be honest with yourself and that will not help you. For example, when you want to lose weight and you know you have been eating a lot, you have to be honest to yourself. You have to tell yourself that you have to work out. If you don't tell yourself the truth you will ignore it and not accomplish what you want. You also have to be honest to others. If you are not honest with others, they will not trust you and you will start losing friends. Be honest to yourself, its for your own benefit.

I will apply this by telling myself and others the truth so i won't lose they trust.

Block 12: Adaptability
To any situation

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to adapt to things. Things are easier when you adapt. It takes time. You have to put effort in order to adapt to things. It may be hard at times. You may not like it. For example, if you have a calculus class but you are really bad at math, you have to adapt to the class in order to get the hang of it. Once you adapt to something it won't be as difficult to face situations that have to do with that. Some people adapt faster than others. Once you adapt you know what to do. It all takes time, just be patient and put effort into it.

I will apply this but trying my very best to adapt to every situation that comes my way.

Block 13: Condition
"Metal -Moral Physical. Rest exercise and diet must be considered. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation Must be eliminated."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to condition ourselves in order to accomplish things in life. For example, Soccer players. Soccer players run a lot. They run a lot because they have to condition themselves because they will be running a lot while they play. It is not easy for them, it is even harder when you just begin but nothing is impossible. It may be hard at first. You have to push yourself and condition yourself. If others don't push you you have to push yourself. It takes a lot of effort. You have to set a goal in your mind and always remember it. Keeping that goal in mind will motivate you to push through the condition. You may not see a difference when you start. You will be able to see the difference within time. Just be patient.

I will apply this by conditioning myself to eat healthy and little amounts in order to get used to it and it will then be easier for me to eat healthy every single day.

Block 14: Skill
"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

What this block is telling us is that we should have things we are good at. For example, I'm good at baking. I'm good at baking because I've done it many times. I've had the experience. If you don't try things out you won't get the skill. If you don't try new things out you won't get new skills. It takes time. It also takes patients. You may be good at it at first but if not just keep trying. You need to practice a lot in order to develop the skill. It may be difficult. Don't get frustrated if you are not able to do it at first just keep trying.

I will apply this by not giving up and practicing new things in order to develop and learn new skills.

Block 15: Team Spirit
"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to work together. You have to listen to others. Consider other people's ideas. Be open minded. When you work with others, things get done much faster. Everyone things differently so put your minds together. For example, in a school project. Everyone from the group has to collaborate with each other in order to get the project done. Don't just focus on what you want. You have to think about everyone else as well as yourself. It is not hard at all, try it.

I will apply this buy working with others and keeping an open mind in order to consider everyone's ideas and put them all together into one.

Block 16: Honesty
In thought and action

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be honest. We have to be honest not only with others but also with yourself. For example, if you know that you did not study but you tell your teacher that you did study that is why you didn't do your homework that is not being honest. If you are not honest to yourself you will not be honest to others. It is not that hard. You will have a lot of friends. If you are not honest you will not have as many friends as you would of you were honest. Everything feels right when you are honest. Be true to yourself. If you know you did something wrong confess. It may be hard at first but you will see that things will end up right because you were honest. Don't be scared to tell the truth. If you know someone did something wrong, tell someone. Don't keep it in. You might even get in trouble because you were not honest.

I will apply this by starting off by being honest with myself so I can then be honest with others.

Block 17: Resourcefulness
Paper judgement

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to quickly find ways to overcome difficulties. For example, when you are taking a test and you are allowed to use notebooks you have to be resourceful in order to overcome that difficulty you are facing. You have to be organized. Being organized takes up a big role here. It is not difficult to be resourceful. It will benefit you. It may also benefit others if you are able to help them. If you are resourceful you will be a stronger person. Others might think you are smart but little do they know you are a resourceful person. You might even be able to teach or help others be resourceful. It is something that can help people a lot. It will help them to not stress over things as much.

I will apply this by thinking and figuring out quick and good ways to overcome some struggles I may face.

Block 18: Poise
"Just being yourself. Being at ease in any situation."
  Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be comfortable with ourselves. Be confident with yourselves. For example, if someone tell you you are ugly tell them your not. You have top be confident with what you are and what you have. It may not be easy but it takes time. You may not feel confident with yourself over night but you will if you try. Have the courage to tell others you are comfortable with yourself. There are may people who don't have the courage and that is because they don't feel comfortable with themselves. You don't have to have riches in order for you to be poise. All you need is to show who you really are through your actions, gestures and what you speak. You have to remember that no one is perfect. Everyone is beautiful in their own way. You need to remember that.

I will apply this by avoiding arrogance and being confident with myself.

Block 19: Confidence
"Respect without fear. May come from being prepared and keeping all things in proper perspective."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be confident. There will be some fear but we have to overcome it. You have to trust yourselves. It is not that hard. Having confidence can help you in many situations. For example, when your giving a speech. You have to have confidence and that will help you look more professional and responsible. It may take some time. You have to be patient with yourselves. Don't pay attention to what others say about you unless they are good things and things that will make you grow. Pay attention to your strengths. Make your weaknesses strengths by working on them. Being confident can help you accomplish more things. Try your best to work on your confidence.

I will apply this buy preparing before my speech so that I can be confident when it comes to the day of presentation such as my Senior Defense.

Block 20: Reliability
Creates respect

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be dependable. When you are dependable more people trust you. It is a very good thing to be reliable. For example, If your in a group and your group members are not able to attend tutoring you may tell them what you will work on the project a bit more if you have free time and if you do so they will trust you and want to keep having you in their group. It is not easy to be reliable. You have to figure out your schedules to accomplish everything that has to be do one a certain date and still make room for another task to do. I get it, it is not easy, but it sure is worth it. It sure is nice to have someone to rely on and what if that person is you? It feels good knowing that you are reliable and that people trust you. It takes a bit of time to gain someone's trust so don't feel bad if they don't see that you are a reliable person right away, they will eventually. It takes quite a bit of effort to become a reliable person. You also need to be and organized person. Being organized can help you be a great reliable person.  

I will apply this by making sure that everything is done if I have to do a project and step up and finish what has to be done. If my group trusts me in turning in the project a certain day, I will do so so that they can trust me in being in their groups again.

Block 21: Fight
Determined effort

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to work for what we want. We should not give up on what we want. You have to fight through the obstacles. It may not be easy but it will be worth it. It may also take some time. There will be others that are fighting for the same thing you want. That will  require you to work harder. For example, when I tried out for basketball, I had to fight really hard because there were others who were fighting for the same thing. Fighting does not always me a physical fight. It can be an academic fight or even a mentality fight with yourself. Many people do not want to put the effort into fighting for what they want but that is the main reason of why people do not get or accomplish what they want. Work hard and you will get what you want.

I will apply this by always fighting through college when I tart attending CSULA so that I can become what I want which is to be a Social Worker.

Block 22: Competitive Greatness
"Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to try our very best in everything we do. No matter what it is, try your best. For example, if yo don't understand an assignment you should try your very best and do what you can do before asking for help. People who do not play sports and want to try out for a sport try their very best in order to get into the team. If you do not try your best to get what you want then there is a big chance that you won't get it. It may require a lot of work. It may not require a lot o f work. It all depends on what you want to achieve. Some people do try and don't get what they want but then complain why they dot get it. They are the only ones who can put the effort to get what they want. There are other people who maybe want the same thing as you. That is an even bigger reason for you to try your very best in everything.

I will apply this by proving to other that I can get what I want by working hard for it and trying my best.

Block 23: Integrity
Purity of intention

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to be honest. Being honest is a very important thing. If you are not honest there is a big chance that you might not have friends. Integrity is also being fair. Being fair is a big thing. Trustworthiness can get you to so may good opportunities. Not a lot of people have integrity and that is what is causing them not to reach their goal. For example, If you work at a factory and your boss sees that you are trustworthy and you have been doing your job responsibly then he might offer you a job to be manager of the factory. That is a big opportunity that can be offered just for doing the right thing. It may not be easy for some to have integrity but if you really want it you will obtain it. It takes time to get people to trust you all over again but it will happen. It is up to you to start and work to obtain your integrity. Do the right thing all the time.

I will apply this by doing thing right and being honest without anyone telling me to do so.

Block 24: Faith
Believe and Achieve

What this block is trying to tell us is that we have to believe that we can do something so that we can have some type of motivation to accomplish things. If you don't believe you can do something you will not have motivation to do it. If you keep saying you can't then you most likely won't. Do not be negative about things. Always try to be positive and it will help you get through things. It is not hard at all to have faith. All it takes is your brain, think that you can do it. Not many people have faith. They always see the negative things about something. It is important to thing about negative things that can happen just to be aware of the negative consequences that you can face but try to take the positive things out of anything you do or try to do. Have faith and you will accomplish a lot more. If you do not have faith you will not be able to accomplish as much. It builds up your confidence when you have faith.

I will apply this by thinking I can o thing so that I can have some motivation. I will start off by having faith in that I can lose weight.

Block 25: Patience
Good things take time

What this block is trying to tell us is that things do not happen right away they take time. It may not be easy to weight. Some good things may not take so long to happen. There are people who have great opportunities but don't want to wait and they let those opportunities go. That is not something you want to do. If things take a bit of time just wait. It will all be worth it. Some people are better at waiting than others. It is really your choice but just think things through before giving up on waiting for something. not everything passes by quick and being able to be patient is a great thing. Many people don't have patience and it is something that could really help them in life. It takes time but it is important to be patient.

I will apply this by waiting for things when it is needed and not giving up opportunities just because I do not want to wait a bit.

Reflection: The building blocks benefit me by helping me grow as a student not that I am about to take a big step, College. The blocks that I am applying are patience, competitive greatness, adaptability and self-control. The difference the block are making in my life are that I am more patient with things and situations and I am working harder than ever academically because I have to work hard in order to do good. I will incorporate the other blocks into my Life Planning plans by having faith that things will happen, begin honest, and doing team work when it comes to projects either academic or non-academic. I will pass this information forward by explaining to others what the 25 blocks are. I will teach the Pyramid of Success by making people make connections and think of how it will benefit them in the long run.

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