The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
Key 1: Clarity
" Have vision . Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clear specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."

I will apply this by keeping up with my journal
and adding many more goals because I want to
keep having goals of my own.
Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."

I will apply this by staying committed to something
and putting a lot of effort in my current job and at school.

Key 3:
"Make the best of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything.
What key 3 is trying to tell us is to do things that are actually productive. It is trying to tell us not to waist our time on insignificant things. There are many things we can spend time on but it is up to you to decide what you want to do. For example, say you have to do homework but you also want to see what your fiend posted on social media. If you choose to continue doing homework you will be making the best of your time. I understand that it is easy to get distracted but difficult to stay focused but we have to put in effort to use our time wisely. Anther thing you can do is manage your time. You can make time for everything. You might not be able to do everything but do what's most important first. It will all work out.You will find that you made a good your of your time.
I will apply this by studying instead of using my phone
and waiting my time on something that will not help me
academically but will also distract me.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- Think things through
- Listen to your intuition
- Learn from setbacks

What this key is trying to tell us is that we have to set our mind with many thins so when we face those things our mind recognizes the situation and you will know what to do. It is trying to tell us that we have to think very carefully before doing anything. For example, if you finished you homework packet for English class and your friend asks you to let them copy you have to think about doing so twice. If you let your friend copy you will be limiting them from new knowledge that they are able to gain on their own. Also in making a decision. Think before you take action. It is also trying to tell us that we have to learn from what we fail in. If we learn from our fails we sill do better next time we try. If you don't learn from your fails you will not have that knowledge to overcome it. Get the best you can from those harsh situations.
I will apply this by thinking before I take action. I will think if what I will decide to do will affect others in a positive way or in a negative way.
Key 5: Creativity

" Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
What this key is trying to tell us is that when you ask questions you gain more knowledge. Those who ask questions are not embarrassed to do so. Those people know that if they ask they will learn something they didn't know. When you know more things you are more creative. That means that you have more things to offer when it comes to knowledge. Ask questions. It is not that hard to do so. You will gain things, a lot more knowledge if you ask. When you don't know don't stay stuck. It is better if you ask others. Be creative and ask.
I will apply this by asking more questions. I will also make more connections with my experiences to create something out of it.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine you success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, withing 5 years, you'll be the best educated person in history."
What this key is trying to tell us is that if we take thought about everything we can make it better. For example, if we know that our running is not good, if we run every day, as time goes by you will be able to run way more than you ran when you first started. Everything takes time. Some things may take more time. Some things may take less time. You really have to thing about something in order to consider making it better. Some people are not patient. This will be difficult for them. It may be difficult but it will be worth it at the end. You need to develop things and that will take some time, not everything is easy or fast.
I will apply this by learning something every day and being patient to see the progress and results.
Key 7: Consistency
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend on. That if you say you'll do something you do it."
"dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
What this key is trying to say is for us to sty on top of our things. For example, being on time when you have to do a predestination. Your group depends on you. You should keep up with your email, especially if you are a senior. It is very important for you to be on top of important things. If you are dependable, a lot of more people will trust you. You will be something who people know will do the work or something that has to be done. It may be difficult in certain times. You have to keep up with everything but it is good for you. You will be able to control what you do and know that you are helping yourself in being dependable. A whole lot more will get done if you are consistent.
I will apply this by keeping up with my emails and being on top of my things.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
What this key is trying to tell us is that we have to stick to what we want. For example, if you want to get straight A's in the final report card you have to stay committed and do your work daily, study before a test and not give up when it becomes difficult. It may be hard sometimes. It may make you want to quit trying. You have to be stronger and work hard to get what you want. Sometimes you may have to stay committed for a shout about of time. It is not always going to be like that. Some commitments may be harder. You will have to try. You will have to try hard. It will all be worth the commitment.

I will apply this by trying my very best to get to where and what I want.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

What this key is trying to tell us is that we have to be willing to fell in order to succeed. Times will get hard. Things will get difficult. It will not be all easy as a piece of pie, you have to have in mind that failure will happen. It will happen but you have to be strong and overcome it. You may be scared to take a step or a big step. You have to be brave and face these things and situations. You need to have that in mind in order to eventually succeed. Don't give up when you do fail. Keep your head up and never look down. For example, if you want to take a college course but you don't know if you will be able to do it just take it and give it a try that way you will know if its for you or not.
I will apply this by over coming any failures that I face and come back stronger.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."
What this key is trying to tell us is that once we are familiar with something we will have the confidence because we know what it is or what it is about. This will take time. Some may think it is an easy and fast process but they are wrong. It takes patience and consistency. You have to be consistent and try to know what you are working with. When people don't practice or study what they need to they have no confidence. For example, if you don't study for a test you will not have the confidence in passing that test with a good grade. You need to practice it. You need to study it good in order to know it. You need to take your time.
I will apply this by keeping in mind that I can do whatever I want to do because I am capable of doing it.
Reflection: These ten keys can help me in making my inner self stronger and more confidence in myself. That will motivate me to accomplish more things and not think I can not do things. These ten thing helped me realize that I have to believe in myself. The key I am applying now is confidence. Before, I always thought that I was not going to be accepted to college because I wasn't smart but now that I have received two acceptance emails from two CSU's it has made me realize that I am capable of doing more things that I thought I was able to do. I went back and remembered this key and I applied what I was going through to this and it made me feel good because I would think so low of my capability but I was wrong the whole time. I could do it. I have applied the rest of the keys in my daily life. I noticed that I can use these keys a lot in my daily life. I had never realized that.

Key 3:
"Make the best of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of my time?" before you start anything.

I will apply this by studying instead of using my phone
and waiting my time on something that will not help me
academically but will also distract me.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- Think things through
- Listen to your intuition
- Learn from setbacks

I will apply this by thinking before I take action. I will think if what I will decide to do will affect others in a positive way or in a negative way.
Key 5: Creativity

" Except the fact that every human being is a genius. The hallmark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."

I will apply this by asking more questions. I will also make more connections with my experiences to create something out of it.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people will determine you success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better communicator. Take courses in listening, speaking, etc."

I will apply this by learning something every day and being patient to see the progress and results.
Key 7: Consistency
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend on. That if you say you'll do something you do it."

I will apply this by keeping up with my emails and being on top of my things.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is possible without commitment. The ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."

I will apply this by trying my very best to get to where and what I want.
Key 9: Courage
"The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."

What this key is trying to tell us is that we have to be willing to fell in order to succeed. Times will get hard. Things will get difficult. It will not be all easy as a piece of pie, you have to have in mind that failure will happen. It will happen but you have to be strong and overcome it. You may be scared to take a step or a big step. You have to be brave and face these things and situations. You need to have that in mind in order to eventually succeed. Don't give up when you do fail. Keep your head up and never look down. For example, if you want to take a college course but you don't know if you will be able to do it just take it and give it a try that way you will know if its for you or not.
I will apply this by over coming any failures that I face and come back stronger.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doing things over and over again."

I will apply this by keeping in mind that I can do whatever I want to do because I am capable of doing it.

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